To enhance our Group’s commitment to ethical values and transparency, we have established an Ethics Reporting Line. This line is designed to provide a secure environment where our employees, suppliers, customers, and all stakeholders can confidently share any concerns or instances of ethical violations.

Our Group is committed to fundamental values such as honesty, fairness, and respect, as stated in our Akkök Business Ethics Principles. Therefore, we strive to strengthen our commitment to ethical values by collaborating and supporting each other.

Our Ethics Reporting Line offers a reliable mechanism to address any violations. Your reports will be kept confidential and thoroughly investigated. The Akkök Holding Ethics Committee is responsible for investigating complaints and reports of ethical violations and developing solutions. In managing the Ethics Reporting Line process, we work with KPMG, an independent and impartial firm.

Please don’t hesitate to use our Ethics Reporting Line to share your concerns and suggestions. Together, we want to create a stronger work environment and uphold our ethical values.

You can send your questions and reports to the Akkök Holding Ethics Committee through the following channels:

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